Trusted logistic partner on the UK and EU markets. We offer various transportation options to deliver your cargo anywhere you need it to be.
Freight rail transport

We offer one of the fastest and safest ways to move cargo over a long distance.

Moreover, the longer the distance, the more economical the route cost.

truck road
Road freight

Our expert drivers deliver your cargo anywhere it has to be.

We offer various vehicle types to meet your transportation needs and build the most optimal and fast route.

Cargo handling for water transport activities

Use this convenient way to transport large consignments between countries and continents.

Smart logistics, shipment tracking, and containers that meet all delivery requirements.

About the Company

Stellamagners Midway is a UK-registered logistic company.

Our goal is to make the transportation process simple, reliable and cost-effective for our customers. So with us, you can be sure your cargo will reach the desired destination safely and on time by the most optimal route.

We take care of the entire transportation process, provide support with preparing documents and ensure that every shipment stage goes smoothly.

Contact Us to Discuss Cooperation

Our team would be happy to answer any questions and provide more information.